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O autorovi / About You
Datum vložení:
Date of entry:
22. březen 2014
Jméno autora/autorů:
Author name(s):

P.E. José Fager

(José Fager)
University of the Republic
E-mail: jfager@cse.edu.uy

Rodó 1854

CP: 1200

Montevideo - Uruguay

O Vašem příspěvku / About Your Presentation
Stav záznamu:
Název příspěvku:
Title of the presentation:
Virtual Campus of the University of the Republic: Moodle and the integration with other systems
Použitý jazyk:
Language of the presentation:
Abstrakt příspěvku:
Abstract (summary):

This article tells the process of adoption and use of Moodle as the basis for the implementation of a Virtual Campus in the "University of the Republic" (UDELAR) in Uruguay, and a technical description of core of the Virtual Campus. This experience is developed since 2007 and is supported on a federation of Moodle's with different degrees of integration; having LDAP and RADIUS as primary methods of authentiacation. At the moment,  the core of the campus has 44,924 users and 2,343 courses. It also offers services such as a hub of courses (Moodle Hub), repositories of multimedia objects and recording system lessons, among others.

Klíčová slova:

Integration Systems, MOODLE, Virtual Campus

Abstract (English)

This article tells the process of adoption and use of Moodle as the basis for the implementation of a Virtual Campus in the "University of the Republic" (UDELAR) in Uruguay, and a technical description of core of the Virtual Campus. This experience is developed since 2007 and is supported on a federation of Moodle's with different degrees of integration; having LDAP and RADIUS as primary methods of authentiacation. At the moment,  the core of the campus has 44,924 users and 2,343 courses. It also offers services such as a hub of courses (Moodle Hub), repositories of multimedia objects and recording system lessons, among others.

Keywords (English)

Integration Systems, MOODLE, Virtual Campus

Délka příspěvku:
15 minut
Komu je příspěvek určen:
Target group:
Úroveň znalostí:
State of the knowlege:
Příspěvek konference:
Dokument aplikace Word article A4 eng v 2.doc
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